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Rent a Car After an Accident

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Need a vehicle after an accident? Let us help you get back on the road.

Rent a Car After an Accident

When your vehicle has been damaged, we help make the process of renting a vehicle as easy as possible—from partnering with an extensive network of body shops and insurance providers to offering special rates. And because of our vast network of locations and large fleet of vehicles, getting back on the road has never been smoother

Renting a vehicle when you don’t have rental reimbursement coverage

If you don’t have rental reimbursement coverage as part of your auto insurance coverage, we can often provide special rental rates when you’ve had an accident.

  • Book your rental. Start by booking a vehicle on this page at a neighborhood location near you.
  • Ask about special rates. Inquire about special rates available to those who have been in an accident. You can do this by calling the location or at pick up time – these rates, based on your insurance provider, are frequently available regardless of whether you have reimbursement coverage or not.
  • Arrange to be picked up. Many Enterprise locations can arrange scheduled pick-ups during regular business hours. We can offer this service to many customers through our vast network of  neighborhood locations.
  • Bring documentation. In addition to your driver’s license and credit card, confirm your insurance provider and whether you are filing a claim

Renting a vehicle with reimbursement coverage

If you have rental reimbursement coverage through your insurance provider, your policy may cover rental costs while your vehicle is in the shop. Use the steps below to check your coverage and book a car to get back on the road.

  1. Contact your insurance agent or claims department. First, contact your insurance agent and confirm your options for renting a vehicle via your insurance coverage. 
  2. File a claim with your insurance agent. Confirm with your insurance agent that you’ll need a replacement vehicle from Enterprise.
  3. Confirm your rental booking through your insurance. In most cases, your insurance agency will help you book a vehicle or put you in touch with Enterprise to do so. Your insurance company should also confirm billing details at this time. Many insurance companies will have Enterprise bill them directly, reducing the hassle for you.